Zooppo: When Virtual Dentistry Meets Reality
Technical Details
Platform: Screen-based using Unity with Vive Tracker
Game Engine: Unity
Programming Language: C#
Tracker Interaction: Utilized the SteamVR plugin to support Vive Tracker data collection.
Team: Two Programmers, Two Artists, One Sound Designer
My Role: Programmer
Project Duration: One Week
"Zooppo" is a game in which players use a physical brush equipped with a Vive Tracker to simulate brushing the teeth of a hippo character shown on the screen.
Video link here
Key Contributions
Game Structure and Flow
-Designed the game's structure, including the start, progress, and end sequences, to ensure an engaging player experience.
Vive Tracker Integration / Interaction
-Utilized Vive Tracker technology to accurately capture the physical brush's position and rotation data.
-Mapped real-world movements to the in-game brush, allowing players to interact with the hippo's teeth.
UI Progress Bar
-Designed and implemented a user-friendly progress bar to visually represent brushing progress on the hippo's teeth.
-Provided players with real-time feedback on their performance and overall game progression.
Hippo Animation and Scene Management
-Triggered animations for the hippo character to respond to brushing interactions, enhancing immersion.
-Managed scene changes for a cohesive gameplay experience.
Audio Integration
-Collaborated with the sound designer to integrate background music and sound effects to enhance immersion.
-Employed audio cues to provide feedback during brushing interactions, scene transitions, and game events.
Win/Lose Conditions and Countdown
-Programmed win and lose conditions to create challenging gameplay dynamics.
-Implemented a countdown system to structure the gameplay and add tension.